Our Local’s Personnel

Union President Anita Bass (she/her)

I have been at Baltimore County Public Library for 12 years. I worked as a Shelver, Circulation Assistant II and III, and am currently a Library Service Assistant at the Essex Branch.

I am extremely happy that we have a union. A union helps to empower staff to have a seat at the table and to be able to speak up for workers rights.

Contact Anita at bcplunionpresident@gmail.com

Secretary Treasurer Matthew Miklochik

Recording Secretary Stephanie Anderson (she/they)

I joined the Union because I love my job and want to make it a better workplace for current and future workers. Our collective strength begins with individual mobilization; My labor starts with me, so I knew I had to get involved.

Contact Stephanie at bcplrecordingsecretary@gmail.com

Conductor Sentinel Tyler Coburn (he/they)

I've been with Baltimore County Public Library for 6 years at Owings Mills, the Adult Community Engagement (ACE) Mobile Engagement Team, and at Essex.

Having a union will give us the means to have our voices heard at the upper levels of management, as well as give us bargaining power to better enrich our work lives.

Contact Tyler at bcplconductorsentinel@gmail.com

Trustee Chris Curreri (she/her)

I am a part-time librarian at the Essex Branch of Baltimore County Public Library and I serve as a Trustee at Local 4538. I have worked at BCPL since 1980 when, at 16, I started at the Towson branch as a Circulation Assistant.

Being a leader in the union is important to me because as a part-time worker, I want to advocate for my fellow part-timers. Our union gives us a collective voice in the decisions that are made about our benefits and working conditions.

Contact Chris at bcpluniontrustee1@gmail.com

Trustee John Curreri (he/him)

I am John Curreri, I am a union Trustee and steward and I am at the Cockeysville Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library. I started with BCPL in 1977 as a circulation assistant and was promoted to Librarian in 1984. I have been with BCPL for 44 years. I worked at Prince George's County Memorial Library System from 1993 to 1995.

I volunteered to be a union leader because I believe in the importance of all employees having a united voice and I wanted to be a part of making that happen at BCPL. 

I know that for employees to have a say in how they work, how they are treated on the job and input into decisions of how the library functions we need to be united and a union makes that possible. Over my many years at BCPL I have realized that the frontline workers have good and constructive thoughts and ideas since they work directly with the public.

One of my major passions is that all staff deserve a representative and someone to fight for them if ever they need help. The union will do that for all staff.

Contact John at bcpluniontrustee2@gmail.com

Auditor Sarah Prunier Law (she/her)

I have been a Librarian at the Perry Hall Branch of Baltimore County Public Library for 2 years, loves folk dance and is a mom of a teen and a tween. I am a former Montessori teacher and a recovered chemist. I love the latest instar of my career and feels that working in the library defends the frontline of democracy. 

Just like the saying "great fences make great neighbors” having a strong union benefits everyone at BCPL. It is so important that the workers' voice be heard and that we have a place at the table. I am glad to lend a hand as an auditor and union member.

Educator Rachel Jackson (she/her)

I am a librarian at the Essex Branch of Baltimore County Public Library, where I also serve as the union branch steward. While pursuing my master's degree, I worked part-time at the Essex Branch as a Circulation staff member. Prior to my current position, I was a social studies teacher and later transitioned to a school librarian. Throughout my years as a school librarian, I taught students from Kindergarten to grade 12. 

I became a union member in order to be a voice for those that feel voiceless, to stand up for what I feel is right, and appreciate that there is safety and power when gathered in numbers.

Contact Rachel at educatorlocal4538@gmail.com