We’re here to help you thrive
IAMAW Local 4538 is the labor union for the employees of the Baltimore County Public Library System and Apple CORE (Towson, MD). Our mission is to collectively bargain for improvements in the workplace. We are advocating for consistency in policies across all workplaces and a voice to ensure the best working experience for the greater Baltimore County community.
We very intentionally chose Local 4538 in homage to the two pieces of Maryland State Legislature that granted us the right to collectively bargain as IAMAW Local 4538: MD House Bill 45 and Senate Bill 138. It’s astonishing to see how far we’ve come since their passing, and we truly cannot wait for everything else our people will accomplish together. This is only the start!!
Our Mission:
Consistency in Policies
Employment policies are intended to create a uniform work environment. However, when the implementation of policies differ across locations, employees are left with an uncertain and confusing work environment. Union representation can correct inconsistencies and give employees a voice against unfair enforcement.
Fairness in Hiring and Promotion
Competition is high to be hired and promoted. The general consensus is the hiring and promotion process is grounded in subjective favoritism. With union representation, a collective bargaining agreement can contain language that establishes a fairer and transparent promotion process.
Wages and Benefits
Across all industries, union employees earn higher wages and have better benefits; library staff are no different. In 2018, union librarians earned approximately 38% more weekly than non-union librarians. Additionally, union contracts are the most effective way to combat the gender wage gap.